What is an electrical installation condition report (EICR)

EICRs, or periodic inspection reports as they were previously known, are often referred to by customers as Landlord Safety Tests or Homebuyer's Tests.

If you own or rent a home, a business, or a property, your electrical installation should always be covered by an Electrical Condition Report. Despite the fact that it isn't a legal requirement to have an Electrical Condition Report, a number of legal documents reference an Electrical Condition Report as a means of satisfying requirements. The Electricity at Work Act as one example.

Did you know that you may be prosecuted if you rent out a property and your tenant is electrocuted due to unsafe electrics? It is not an adequate defence to claim that you were unaware of the condition of the electrical installation. For many areas, the local council will require a Condition Report prior to issuing a renter's permit.

Electrical Condition Report Certificates (ECRCs) are often required by insurers before providing coverage. You are at risk of being taken to court for electrocuting a customer or employee, and if you do not have an ECRC you are unlikely to be covered by insurance.


The recommendations are as follows:


Homeowners –BS7671 (18th Edition Wiring Regulations) recommend an EICR should be completed at least every 10 years. It is also recommended if you are moving into a new home, particularly if your insurance requires one - or if you suspect your current electrical system is old, faulty or has been added to in a poor manner. Should you be lucky enough to have a swimming pool this should then be tested once every year.

Tenanted Properties - The ‘Landlord and Tenants Act’ (1985) states landlords must ensure that the electrical installation in a rented property is maintained safely throughout a tenancy. As a result, BS7671 recommend an EICR test at change of tenancy or at least every 5 years. An annual PAT test is also recommended.

Businesses – Even though an EICR is not a legal requirement for employers, you are responsible for the welfare of your employees. According to the 1974 Health and Safety at Work Act, employers are responsible for the health and safety of their employees. As part of the "Electricity at Work Regulation," it is required that precautions be taken against the risk of injury from the use of electricity at work. BS7671 recommend having an EICR undertaken at least every 5 years.

BS7671 (the 18th edition of The Wiring Regulations) provides guidance on testing, including sample testing. For larger installations, it may be acceptable to test just a sample of the final circuits (for example, lighting and socket circuits). It is possible for this sample to be as low as 10%. This can give a misleading impression of an installation and is not recommended.

Consequently, one contractor may only test 10% of the circuits while another contractor may test 75-100% of the circuits. When comparing prices, it is important to verify what percentage your chosen contractor will be testing. In addition, an electrical contractor may price an EICR certificate at a loss based on the assumption that they will inflate the cost of remedial works in order to compensate for the initially low cost of the test. It can be extremely difficult to obtain a quotation for remedial work from another contractor's electrical test certificate. We can carry out the remedial work, but we would test again and further issues may be discovered.

The electrical components of the consumer unit, the wiring and the electrical accessories are thoroughly tested and inspected during the EICR report. This includes:

Earthing and bonding competence.Devices that protect against fire and electric shock.
Any type of damage or wear and tear that could compromise the safety of the property's occupants.
Determine whether any electrical fittings or accessories are damaged.
Identify any exposed live wires that may cause a fire or injury.

Only licensed, experienced, and skilled electricians should perform an EICR.

In order to carry out this report, a substantial amount of additional training and experience is required compared to the average electrician. Therefore, our electricians are able to issue a certificate of electrical installation (electrical safety certificate).

Last but not least, there are many properties in London that are over 100 years old and still have black rubber VIR cables (vulcanised Indian rubber). Please do not disturb these and contact PDSM Electrical Services for immediate assistance.

Please contact PDSM Electrical Services if you are concerned about the safety of the electrics in your home, rental property or business. Stay safe by getting an electrical certificate for your property. PDSM Electrical Services are NAPIT certified, Trust Mark certified, and Which? endorsed. Trusted traders in London and the South of England for over ?? years.

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